System Properties Registry page



  1. ListView: shows open Registry key and subkeys; duoble-clicking on a KEY opens it; double-clicking on a VALUE edits it:Edit Key
  2. "Remote": opens Remote Registry: NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
  3. "RegEdit" button: runs Windows Registry Editor
  4. "Add..." button: adds value to selected key; NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
  5. "Delete" button: deletes selected KEY
  6. "Export" button: exports selected key to a .DAT file for backup
  7. "Style" button: changes ListView style: Large Icons, Small Icons, List view, Report view
  8. "Print Values" button: prints selected Key in ListView
  9. "HK" ComboBox: permits selection of one of the main registry hives: HKCU = HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKC = HKEY_CLASSES, HKLM = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKDD = HKEY_DYNAMIC_DATA (Win9x), HKU = HKEY_USERS
  10. "Favorites" ComboBox: list of common values to use, as well as cache for recently viewed registry keys; select to view
  11. "Find" button: find first value starting from selected key, by Key; Name, and/or Value are optional checkboxes
  12. Apply button: reset default displayed information